May 12, 2024, 10:00 am: Resonant Nature, South Lakes Park, Denton

Sounds Modern celebrates Mother’s Day with sounds inspired by the natural world, at a free outdoor pop-up event at Pavilion 2 of Denton’s South Lakes Park.

James Tenney’s In a Large Open Space will begin the event with a meditative fanfare of harmony and sound-color, all arising from the natural harmonic series of a single low tone, like the notes of wind singing through a canyon. Andrew May’s Recyclers will follow, with musicians joining together with recorded calls of the Northern Mockingbird (state bird of Texas) to form a surreal, playful flock, imitating and recycling each other’s sounds.

The event is free and open to the public. Click here to see the location on Google Maps; note that in case of severe weather, the event will migrate to the Margo Jones Performance Hall at Texas Women’s University, 1100 Oakland, Denton. If skies are grey, please check our Facebook event page to make sure of the venue before heading over. Click here to see complete program information.